
Join Tehachapi MLS Membership
Please READ the following instructions before completing the Membership Application forms.

Choosing Your Membership Type:

  • For MLS Access Only:
    • a) MLS Broker Participant (Broker of Record)
    • b) MLS Subscriber (Salesperson or Broker Associate)
    • c) MLS Appraiser Participant

Instructions for Completing the Application:

  • For Salesperson/Broker Associate:
    Your name or signature should appear in the "MLS Subscriber" and/or "Applicant" sections.

  • For Broker of Record:
    Your name or signature should appear in the "MLS Participant" and/or "Broker Participant" sections.
    Note: If the Broker of Record is applying for MLS Membership, they will also be listed as the Applicant on the application.

  • For Salesperson/Broker Associate:
    If you are also applying for REALTOR® Membership, fill out the “Designated REALTOR®” fields.
    Please note that Salespersons and Broker Associates cannot join the MLS without their Broker of Record’s membership.

Required Forms for MLS Membership
Each applicant must submit one complete set of forms.

Click to see all MLS Forms and fee Schedule

REQUIRED FORMS For EACH APPLICANT MEMBER TYPE -  (Completed by the applicant and signed by their responsible Broker/Appraiser.) 

Brokers Agents Appraiser
 1 - Application for Membership - Click for APP  X X X
 2 - Request to Participate in MLS - Click for RTP Form   X X X
 3 - Lockbox Access Agreement (*Only required if applicant wishes to use MLS Lockbox App and/or Lockboxes.) - Click for LOCKBOX Form * x * x na
 4 - Letter of Good Standing (Required from all members that hold REALTOR® membership with another Association. Obtain from Primary Association.)  x x  na
 5 - Copy Of Drivers License X x x
 6 - Certification of Non-Use - Form only required if other Salespersons or Appraisers affiliated with responsible Broker/Appraiser will NOT be joining our MLS.
  (Per NAR's 'MLS of Choice')
 -  Click for CNU Form 
 x na  x
PROCESSING: Forms are processed within 2 business days of receipt of completed forms. Payment is required before membership will be activated.  User ID and Password to MLS service will be e-mailed. If member requesting lockbox access, they will receive a separate email from SentriLock to setup the SentriKey app.

By Appointment: Call TAAR at (661) 822-7652 to bring completed forms.
By E-Mail: Send forms to e-mail of Carmen Curiel, CEO/Membership Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
By Mail: Mail all forms and payments to Tehachapi MLS, 20705 South St., Suite A, Tehachapi, CA  93561. (Make checks out to Tehachapi MLS.)

MLS ORIENTATION CLASS: The Board of Directors require all new members (Brokers, Appraisers, Salespersons and Clerical Users) to attend a mandatory MLS Orientation class within 90 days of access to maintain Active MLS Membership.  

NOTE: For Each Member Who Does Not Attend MLS Orientation Class:
- New Member incurs a $100.00 non-attendance fee.
- Non-attending members will have MLS Membership inactivated until the requirement is fulfilled. 

Orientation Classes are Held Once a Quarter
- MLS New Member Orientation classes are held Virtually. (New Members are sent a webinar link to attend class.)

 REALTOR® New Member Orientation classes are held IN
Location: TAAR Office, 20705 South St., Suite A, Tehachapi, CA  93561.

 2025 MLS and REALTOR New Member Mandatory Orientation Class Dates:

  • MLS ONLINE- Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 am
  • REALTOR® IN PERSON - Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 1:30 pm, at TAAR Office

  • MLS ONLINE- Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 9:00 am
  • REALTOR® IN PERSON - Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 1:30 pm, at TAAR Office
  • MLS ONLINE- Wednesday, August 20, 2025, 9:00 am
  • REALTOR® IN PERSON - Wednesday, August 20, 2025, 1:30 pm, at TAAR Office
  • MLS ONLINE- Wednesday, November 19, 2025, 9:00 am
  • REALTOR® IN PERSON - Wednesday, November 19, 2025, 1:30 pm, at TAAR Office